Friday, January 9, 2009

Pita Pit [11.5]

"Pita Pit is not somewhere I like to find my self on a rainy day. In fact, it's not a place I want to find myself on any day." - Mike

What is a pita? According to Mike, it's basically a burrito. Except you take out all of the good stuff in a burrito and replace it with salad.

Pita Pit's pitas are about $7.50. Mike did get double meat in his pita because he had a free coupon. Without the coupon it would have been $10. The people make you feel uncomfortable the whole time. Three tables line the south wall when you could easily fit 20 tables in the place. The restaurant is SOOOO empty that you could add a couple of streamers, The Jonas Brothers, and a six-pack of Rainier and you've got the perfect place for a high school dance.

Pita Pit is located on The Ave just north of 45th. It's nice because of the short walk. However, you are forced to walk by Mongolian Grill on the way back and you realize what a crappy deal you just made to get a dried piece of bread stuffed with salad. Boo Pita Pit.

Value: 2.5*
Taste: 6
Intangibles: 3
Total Score: 11.5 out of 30

*Worst food-with-bacon value, ever.


Unknown said...

...if only my high school dances looked anything like that.

Midnight Sparkle said...

I think the reason I haven't tried this place is because it has the word "pit" in it. No purveyor of edibles should have the word "pit" in its name.

Anonymous said...

this review sucks. pita pit is great and if you are not looking to eat 2000 calories in one sitting (obviously these fatass bloggers are), i think the pita pit is a great option. they deliver for free and the food is great. GO PITA PIT!!!!