Monday, May 18, 2009

Jimmy John's [11.5]

"The only thing that will bring me back to Jimmy John's is a free sandwich coupon and a servant to carry me up to the second floor." - Mike McEvoy

Mike's favorite thing about JJ's is that it is elevated on the second floor, alowing you to look out upon the ave. Which is fun...i guess. Expect for the stairs, which Mike does not like. When he walked into JJ's something just didn't feel right. Mike isn't sure what it is, but it irks him. When looking at the menu there is a nice feature in which you can pay whatever amount you want for a sandwich. It ranges from $4-$7. Mike has yet to hear someone say that they "Love Jimmy John's". Nothing about JJ's draws one to the restaurant. In JJ's defense, this is restaurant number 70, so it really had to wow in order to make a difference.

For the fun of it: Here is a quick Ave Sandwich Heirarchy (from best to worst) to illustrate how Mike feels about JJ's:

DaVinci's/Which Wich
Jimmy John's
Than Vi
Pita Pit

Bottom Line: Jimmy John's is just kinda.....blah.

Value: 4.5
Taste: 4
Intangibles: 3

Total Score: 11.5 out of 30


EmVo said...

See but here's the thing...they deliver. And they're pretty speedy on those bikes.

Which sandwich did you have?

Riley said...

I don't understand why pita pit is last...

Benjamin Lukoff said...

I'll be the first — *I* love Jimmy John's..